New track: WC001, final version
New original track inspired by some west coast beats and samples

At my rapid pace of track composition I seem to be on course to producing an astonishing one track per year - unbelievable how prolific I am. All sarcasm aside, I've been sitting on this track for months and just can not get it to come out the way I hear it in my head. It feels very rough around the edges and I've lost my patience trying to work out the kinks. Rather than letting it go to waste somewhere in my digital file wasteland, I figured why not just post the latest version and be done with it. Who knows, there might be a soul out there who may actually enjoy it. And if you are interested in expanding or re-mixing it, drop me a line, and I'll send the underlying source files, as long as you give me some credit down the road when you get famous. I've had some fun with a few filters and after some encouragement from my buddy Richard finally utilized T-RackS3 for some mastering goodness. Contrary to what you might think, the WC in the title does not stand for water closet, although in some way that might have been fitting, but rather for some west coast beats which served as inspiration.